Why Blogging Is a Great Idea for Your Business

Want an easy way to direct people to your website? Blog more often; where boosted sales and increased customer interest is concerned, it could be as simple as that.

What…blogging isn’t ‘simple’, you say. It is when you know what to blog about - and how often.

Here’s why blogging is a great idea for your business, from someone who (tries to, anyway) blogs regularly. Read on…

In Time, It Will Boost SEO

What’s ‘SEO’? It stands for search engine optimisation. Err, what’s that, then?!

Put simply, it’s the process of improving the quality of your website traffic (i.e. the number and quality of visitors to your site) via search engines.

By populating your content with the words and phrases your customers are typing into Google, in time, you’ll find that more people stumble upon your site. It can be a slow process but it’s definitely worth it - and as most of your website pages won’t change too much in terms of content, blog posts provide an easy way for you to update your site with fresh content, thereby keeping the site visitors trickling in.

It Keeps Customers Up To Date

New product or service? Blog about it. Then, while you’re at it, add a link to said blog post on your various social media accounts. A higher number of clicks on your blog post means a double whammy of benefits; since more clicks mean boosted SEO, you’ll be helping more people find your site in the long-un. More than that, though, you’ll be providing valuable content your target customer is looking for.

For example, as your target customer may have already purchased something from your site, they’re probably interested to learn you have a new, similar product or service for sale, too - or that an existing product has come down in price. If you don’t blog about it, though (and share your blog post on social media) they may never know.

It Shows Authority

Become an ‘authority’ on a particular subject - i.e. show Google and other search engines that you’re blogging regularly and, as a result, know what you’re doing and what you’re talking about. Not only will doing so give your SEO a boost again, it’ll show your customers that you’re an expert in your field.

For example, if your site sells gardening products, offer some valuable guides (in the form of long-ish blog posts) that amateur gardeners will be keen to read. ‘When to Plant for Spring Colour’, for example, or ‘How to Create an Indoor Herb Garden’. Basically, anything your target market might be looking for online anyway.

Let people know you’re an authority on your subject and they’re more likely to put their trust in you - and your products and/or services.

It Helps You Get Key Messages Across

Sometimes, a rushed Facebook or Twitter post doesn’t allow you to get your point across in the same way as ‘long-form content' might.

A blog post gives you much more scope to feed new and important messages to your customers, as you’ll generally have a larger wordcount to play with, and your content is more likely to be found on Google.

Don’t fancy blogging for your business? That’s where copywriters come in. Get in touch, then, if you want a professional to write the posts on your behalf.

Until next time…

Blogging Tips for Businesses

Let’s be honest: blogging is hard work.

Alongside the demand of writing regular content, thinking of new ideas for posts, and managing your business, you may find yourself going around the bend if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Blogging, however, isn’t something you should miss out on. It can help you boost your sales, increase website traffic, make your presence known, and show potential clients you really know your stuff.

In this post, then, I'm sharing with you five helpful tips for blogging for your business:

Make a Publishing Schedule – and Stick To It!

We’re creatures of habit. We love routine. So rather than publish a post whenever you feel like it (which, to be honest, may be every couple of months), consider creating a publishing schedule so readers will know when to expect your articles and updates. 

You don’t need to put any undue stress on yourself by posting daily, but even posting just once a week on the same day can establish a sense of routine and connect you with your readers.


Keep a List of Blog Post Ideas

It’s 3pm - an hour before your next scheduled blog post is supposed to go live. The problem? You haven’t written anything yet, and you don’t know where to start.

Blogging becomes so much easier when you plan ahead (trust me, I know!). Whether your list of post ideas has five items on it or 500, have something to work with so you don’t waste precious time twiddling your fingers over your keyboard, wondering what to write.

One handy way to generate blog post ideas is to listen to your clients. When someone asks you a question or leaves you criticism or feedback, you may just have stumbled on something great to address in your next post.

Optimise your Posts for SEO

Don’t let your blog turn into a desert of blog posts with zero traffic. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) allows your content to be discovered by the right people. This includes adding keywords that will help your website pop up on search engines when a potential client looks something up.

Check out Moz's popular Beginner’s Guide to SEO, filled with the comprehensive information needed to bring your blog into the limelight.


Pull Together an Email List

Grow your readership with an email list. Subscribers can turn into loyal readers, who can then turn into clients for your business. You can use a number of relatively inexpensive email list managers, including MailChimp and Constant Contact, to plan out, write, and schedule regular email updates. Email lists are especially great for keeping readers in the loop when blog posts go live.

Hire a Blog Writer

Yes, hiring a blogger may not be cheap, but time is money, and the time you spend managing your blog could be time spent on your business. It’s not impossible to manage your blog and your business at the same time, but employing someone on a freelance basis to write for you doesn’t have to be an unreasonable option.


Hiring a professional blogger or copywriter (pick me!) is a lot cheaper than you think. Since they’re a specialist in writing blogs, your blog will theoretically end up being better than if you’d written it yourself, leading to boosted sales that eclipse the initial cost. So, if blogging still seems daunting, leave it up to the pros!

Have any more business blogging tips to share? Let us know in the comments below!

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