Why Reviews Are Vital for Your Business

This blog post is brought to you by this raspberry and lemon tart.

Picture of a rather tasty-looking raspberry and lemon tart, dusted with icing sugar and oozing with a lemony custard filling

Why? Upon perusing the cake counter at Saino’s recently, a very insistent old lady told me these tarts are to die for.

I didn’t even want one, but I put it in my basket anyway. Well, because:

1. I felt obliged to (in a terribly and awkwardly British way)
2. She really was bigging the tart up.

Moral of the story? When it comes to marketing, recommendations are the most powerful tool out there. They give instant credibility, backing up all the good things you say about yourself in your website’s ‘About Us’ page. After all, we can all happily big ourselves up ‘til the cows come home (in the name of drumming up extra business), but what really gives your praise a bit of oomph is displaying similar messages from other folks.

I’ve done the same here on my website (which shouts about all the projects I’ve worked on as a Yorkshire copywriter) and dotted testimonials on most pages, as well as creating a dedicated reviews page (click the link above to have a peep).

So, if you're a business owner, ask your clients for some nice words about your services. Or, as a customer, share some nice words about someone else’s.

Oh, and go and get a raspberry and lemon tart from Sainsbury’s: it really was worth the praise.

Until next time…

PS: Want to work with me - a Yorkshire copywriter? Say hello.

Here's Why and When You Should Write Your Own Content...


“I’ve seen it all now; why is a professional copywriter telling me to write my own content?!”

Well, I pride myself on my honesty and I won’t let you spend your money if…

You’re Already Doing a Great Job

Have a penchant for words - and putting them together in an entertaining and informative way?

Is your website already gaining enough traction? Or perhaps your social media posts never fail to take off, regardless of the fact you haven’t used the services of a freelance copywriter.

Lovely jubbly, if either of the above applies to you.

In your case, a copywriter can help if you’re short of time, or if you find that you’re no longer enjoying writing your own stuff. We all have days where we struggle to string a sentence together, never mind a 500-word blog post.

Hey, I know this looks like I’m saying a copywriter’s value might only be in helping you free up some time - and that’s because I am. As the old saying goes, “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it”.

True, a copywriter may help you claw back some hours in your day - and that’s ace, isn’t it?! More time to do the things you want to do in your business.

A copywriter can also provide a unique perspective on your marketing efforts or your target market. They may be able to simply freshen up your current content, when needed. That blog post you’ve been meaning to repurpose. Or that social media status that could well become a longform article.

Everyone can benefit from an extra pair of eyes on their copy (or someone else’s ideas) sometimes - even copywriters. So, we’re here when you need us.

You Don’t Have the Budget

Don’t have the dosh just yet to use a freelance copywriter? Don’t hire a copywriter just because you see fellow business owners using one.

If you really feel that the difference between your brand doing well and not so well is a professional copywriter, consider it. If you’re doing well enough as you are and your budget won’t stretch to a copywriter, there are plenty of resources out there that could help you write your own content in the interim.

Alternatively, many freelance copywriters (including me) offer a payment plan for those who need or want to spread the cost. You might also find that a retainer-based copywriting service (whereby you sign up for a set amount of work or hours per month) is the route for you. This often means that the rate you pay works out cheaper in the long-run; reliable, regular work for your freelance copywriter = a cost saving for you.

Or just wait until you have the dosh. Sure, good copy is nice to have, but it isn’t a matter of life or death.

Something Else Demands Your Attention

Is your website in need of some TLC? Or perhaps you need to invest in a new email marketing service this month.

If something else demands your attention in your business before employing a freelance copywriter, you should prioritise that.

One thing at a time, and all that.

You Have Bags of Time

Fledgling business? Or perhaps you have plenty of free time to write your own content - and use all the resources available to you to make sure it hits the right mark. It might not be as good as the copy a professional can put together, but it may well be ‘good enough’ - and that will do for now.

You Have Trust Issues

Control freak? Hey, I don’t blame you. I’d probably be reluctant to let someone new loose on my website.

You might prefer to have autonomy over your web copy - it’s your business after all.

Have you considered a content audit copywriting service, in that case? This involves you writing the copy and a professional copywriter (i.e. me! “coo-ee!”) taking a look at it, making some minor edits, where needed, and offering some suggestions for improvement. You can then go away and make the edits at your leisure. Guess what? It’s a fair bit cheaper than it is to have your website written from scratch too.

If you’d like to explore how working with a copywriter will benefit you, say hello - if not, keep on keeping on (doing exactly what you’re doing!).

Have you considered writing your own content? Or perhaps you have already and it’s live on your site. Let me know how you found the process by commenting on this blog post (below).

Until next time…

How to Write Content for Your Website

Want to know how to write better - and more engaging - content for your website?

If you’re a small or medium-sized business with a copywriting query or two, get in touch.

Want to know the best way to:

* Write your website's 'About Us' page
* Put together a case study
* Sell your services
* Come up with blog post ideas
* Craft an e-newsletter...

...or anything else, for that matter?

Send me your queries (here via my website Copywriter in West Yorkshire - Lauren Holden or over on Instagram) - and in my new 'Copy Doc*' series, I'll answer them here on LinkedIn. You can be anonymous too, if you like - call it online’s answer to TV's Embarrassing Bodies (but for copywriting issues - and it won't be televised!)

My clinic is always open; there's no need to make an appointment. Just send me a message on here or post a question below - and I'll help you get your head around a host of copywriting challenges.

* For transparency's sake, I'm not a real doctor (neither is this a real clinic); just a Huddersfield copywriter trying to help.

Best (try to) get an appointment with your GP if your knee is giving you gyp again.

Do copywriters need to know SEO?

Sometimes, when I’m talking to new - or even regular clients - I find myself unintentionally teaching them how to suck eggs. Of course, some of my clients are well-versed in all things SEO, yet there I am telling them the ins and outs like they know very little.

On other occasions, though, I’m bleating on about SEO like everyone knows what it is. It’s a very fine line - and it’s one I don’t always know how to tread. So, when I remember (my passion for the subject means I get carried away sometimes) I allow my clients to do the talking; I ask them how much they know about ranking well online, and I tell them what I know (if they need, or want, to know it).

So, what is SEO then? Or am I teaching you how to suck eggs too?

SEO - or Search Engine Optimisation, to give it its full title - is the process by which online businesses ensure their website is found by people who are looking for it (or the services and/or products it offers).

Let’s say you own an online bookstore. How on earth do you compete against all the other web-based bookstores out there? Online bookselling is, no doubt, a highly saturated market.

Go on; try it…type in ‘buy books online’, ‘books online’ or ‘book store’ into Google and see what comes up. You’ll likely get the big hitters - people like Amazon, Waterstones, or maybe even a popular independent online bookstore or two.

So, can the much smaller bookseller be spotted online? That’s where SEO - the art of injecting well-chosen key words (let’s call them ‘phrases’ instead - key words is jargon unless you know what on earth I’m going on about) into your content. You see, it isn’t just about putting your website live and hoping for the best. You need to take intentional steps to ensure it is noticed. Those who don’t have an online business might be totally unaware of the work that goes on behind the scenes to ensure a site gets spotted on Google. It’s a lot, but it’s all in a day’s work for an SEO specialist and/or copywriter.

Do copywriters need to know SEO, then?

Well, while it isn’t a necessity - after all, there are SEO experts for that - it’s certainly a bonus if the copywriter in charge of sprucing up your website’s content knows a bit about how to ensure you stand out online.

Do I know about SEO? I wouldn’t claim I know lots and lots, but I know enough. I know how to expertly weave key words into your content in a natural way. I know the kind of key words to include - and I know a fair bit about how Google (and its often-complex inner workings)…er…work.

Want to know more about why copywriters need to know about SEO - and why and how a copywriter like me can help your website get found online? Get in touch with me today and we’ll go from there.

You could also book one of my ‘Copy and Catch Up’ sessions. I won’t call it a copywriting ‘Power Hour’ because, well I hate that term. But, for £120 (an introductory offer for January and February), you can ask me anything at all you like - about your website content, SEO and everything and anything in between (well, as long as it’s about copywriting!) for a whole hour. Say hello via the link above and let’s chat.

Until next time…

Who gives a flip about an Oxford comma?! Hint: I Do

Who remembers Vampire Weekend’s catchy third single, which featured the line: ‘Who gives a f*ck about an Oxford comma?’.

I do. It punctuated (sorry) my post-uni social life. Back in 2008, it had been three years since I’d completed my degree (in English Literature and Media, if you’re asking) and two years since I started my first proper role: as editorial assistant at my local newspaper.

My free time was spent attending gigs on behalf of the paper (and later, for some music magazines, including NME), interviewing bands and reviewing concerts and music festivals. It was pretty much the dream for someone in their early twenties.

Vampire Weekend had just reared their quirky, perfectly coiffed heads and their cheery tunes were doing the rounds in pubs, clubs (and on the Shuffle setting of my MP3 player).

Where am I going with this?!

Well, despite working on a newspaper back in 2008, previously doing well at GCSE, A-level, and English at uni, my grammatical knowledge was, at times, a bit ropey. Did I ever use an Oxford comma? Did I flip. For that, you could say I was an absolute colon.

Why didn’t I bother with the most divisive of punctuation marks? Like many folks, I probably didn’t realise how valuable that little comma is. It also wasn’t the ‘house style’ of the newspaper I worked at.

What is an Oxford comma then? It’s the comma used after the penultimate item in a list containing three or more items. Why should you give a f**k about it? Don’t use one and your message could well be interpreted wrong.

Grammarly offers, let’s face it, an absolutely cracking example (below) of when an Oxford comma makes perfect sense. Still, though, there are some naysayers where the humble punctuation mark is concerned.

Do you give a flip about an Oxford comma? Would you rewrite your sentence entirely, to avoid using what it often considered an ‘old-fashioned’ addition to a sentence? Or are you a traditionalist through and through? Let this friendly Huddersfield copywriter - and other folks - know by commenting on this blog.

Until next time…