Email marketing (or e-marketing) is one of the most effective ways to maintain a relationship with your customers. When they signed up for regular updates from you, it was the first sign that they were interested in buying something from your site again. So, don’t waste that energy by sending them emails they don’t want to read.
Here are my tips to make sure your marketing emails make the points you want to make, and quickly grab the attention of your customers. Don’t sit in junk mail; be a must-read publication!
Think about your customers’ interests — and then be those interests
When you’re writing an email, put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Would you open an email that said “5% off your next cauliflower”?
Well, that depends, doesn’t it? On whether you’re really into cauliflowers?
Your marketing email list represents a diverse cross-section of individuals who are brought together by an appreciation of the products you sell or the services you provide.
Bearing that in mind, think about what it is you give to these people that they like. What is it about your brand, your products and your online persona that brings these people together? Once you’ve come up with your answer, all you have to do is give it to them!
Get to the point!
Everyone knows email newsletters are selling something. The difference between an email newsletter that ticks a box, and a great newsletter your customers love to recieve, is the quality of the content inside.
You might not be surprised to know that people prefer receiving personalised emails — it makes them feel like you’re reaching out to them directly. But what also counts is relevancy, and getting to the point right away.
If you’ve got a great story to tell — perhaps you’ve got a brilliant review you want to share, or an upcoming special release — get to the point quickly and then elaborate later. In journalism, this is called the inverted pyramid, and it helps to make sure you’re hitting all your important information before you start noodling around with the extra fillings.
Come up with an incredible subject line
Your subject line is what sets you apart from junkmail. When your customer swipes open their emails on the morning commute and sees 17 unread emails since they left the house, which do you think they’re going to read?
● The ones specifically relevant to their interests
● The ones that sound important
● The ones that seem like they’ll be a diversion
● The ones that are impossible to ignore.
How can they tell which emails are going to fulfil at least one of those criteria? The all-important subject line. The urge to be cryptic and clever is strong, I know, but follow these rules and you’ll create a great subject line every time:
● Use power words
● Make promises (you can keep)
● Be simple and effective
● Use actionable words — in other words, use verbs rather than passive language
● Tease and pique curiosity.
You might also want to try A-B testing with emails that have “sale!” or “special offer!” in the subject line, and those that don’t. Often these can be filtered into spam or junk folders by email clients. Give it a go and see what works for you.
Need some support with your email marketing? I can help. Send me a message today and let’s work together to boost your sales.
Until next time…