Guest Post: How to Get Copywriting Clients

Who remembers Doug? He’s becoming quite the regular around here, after his first copywriting guest post went live here on my site a few weeks back.

Doug is a budding copywriter over in the US - and to help him get some of his words published, I’ve agreed to post them on During this mentoring process between the pair of us, Doug has been picking up some copywriting tips and tricks - and hopefully they’ve been helpful.

This week, Doug’s talking about how to get copywriting clients, as this is something he’s working on himself. Take it away, Doug…

 You know that feeling you get when you open an email a prospective client sent you, just to learn that another
pitch didn’t make the cut? Let that feeling sink in…now say goodbye to it forever.

Bon Voyage!

Whether you’re just starting out, or the clients you want are shooting you down (ouch), there are simple things you can do to guarantee success in your web copywriting future.

Step 1: Start Writing More

It doesn’t matter if it’s a birthday card to your Grandma you’ve putting off writing (for 3 years in a row), or the
erotic novel you never finished, you NEED to start somewhere.

If you want to reach the goals you set for yourself, you need to train your brain to make captivating content. The best way to write good copy is to write bad copy. So, warm up those phalanges and start typing.


Step 2: Find Support

Find someone that wants to grow with you. Reach out to people in your network and ask if they want to be your accountability buddy. Your new bestie should want it even more than you do.

This is especially important when the people in your life don’t have the same vision as you. Instead of getting salty at your mom for not supporting you, don’t underestimate this step. Plus, you’ll also learn how to make
money from copywriting twice as fast! Heck, start making your own professional copywriters network.
It’s gunna be a long road, but it doesn’t have to be a lonely one.

Step 3: Find a Mentor.

“But how? No one wants to help me.” Boohoo!

Finding a mentor is a lot easier than people make it sound. If you dedicate a day to contacting other successful copywriters, you’ll eventually find someone that is willing to help you succeed. Just make sure to expect rejection about 99% off the time.

You know those exotic birds you watch on National Geographic that dance for a mate? Their success rate is only 10%. You’re the exotic bird. Now strut your stuff, sexy!

So, put the stalking skills you’ve perfected over the many years of using the Internet to good use! Type in “freelance copywriter website” into Google and start searching.

Find professionals in their field and likeminded individuals on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.


Step 4: Create a Kick Ass Portfolio

 Now you’re ready to create your copywriter portfolio. If you already have one, make it better with the knowledge and experience you’ve gained working with your mentors. Send your portfolio to your mentors and ask what they think of it.

Look up other copywriter portfolio examples and see how you can stand out. Take advice from as many sources as you can and, over time, you’ll find clients drooling to work with you.

Step 5: Make Your Own Website

No client you reach out to will invest in you if you don’t look like a professional copywriter. So, start acting like
one. Not having a website is like wearing shorts to an interview. Have the chutzpah to go above and beyond in presenting yourself in a way that a client will respect.


Look at what other copywriters are doing on their website and make yours look better. Stand out in some way. Be creative. What do you bring to the table that no one else can?

Okay, so you’ve spent your days writing to your grandma, sliding in random people’s DMs, and you’ve worked with people that want to see you succeed. You have a kick ass freelance copywriter website and copywriter portfolio. I see success for you, but be patient, build, and keep pursuing. Get after it, you guys!

A huge thanks again to Doug for writing this guest post.

Until next time…