How do you know if you need a copywriter?

Do you sit staring at a blank screen, tweet or Instagram post waiting for inspiration to strike?

Do you wish you had the time to write blogs, newsletters or content for your website?

Do you have sales literature, adverts or emails to write for your business, but you dread having to tackle them?

If you’ve answered yes to any of the questions above then, yes, you and your business would probably benefit from a copywriter.

So, what is copywriting?

A common misconceptions about copywriting is that anyone can do it and that it’s easy.

The definition of copywriting according to Wikipedia is…

“The act, or occupation of writing text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. The product, called copy, is written content that aims to increase brand awareness and ultimately persuade a person or group to take a particular action.”

I think of copywriting as talking to someone using words on a page – sounds simple, I know, but writing copy that conjures a voice in a person’s head is tricky - especially when it has to stand out from a sea of well-written marketing copy.


The key is to allow a person to feel like your words have been written just for them.

The Value of Good Copywriting

Good copywriting gives your brand personality and makes your customers remember who you are. Having gorgeous shots of your products for social media, or a great email offer to share with your customers are no use on their own; they need words and language to bring them to life.

A favourite example for me of when copywriting amplifies a brand’s personality is last year’s John Lewis Christmas TV advert. Using the sentiment of one of the most iconic songs ever written, John Lewis brought the message of their campaign to a final crescendo with the heart-warming end frame and simple line ‘Some gifts are more than just a gift’.

Understandably, not everyone has John Lewis’ budget, but with email marketing as powerful as ever, 57% of people read more than half of the emails they receive; using copy to influence your customers can be done effectively and within your budget.

Press releases, social media posts, emails, website content, white papers can all be sent via various channels relatively cheaply; but where it’s important to make the investment is in the words you want your customers to read.


Are you ready to let me help you?

You can use copy to great effect on your website, in your social media posts, in your newsletters, sales literature; pretty much anywhere where you write about your business - and I’d love to help you do it.

If you think your business could benefit from my copywriting expertise then please don’t hesitate to get in touch, I’d welcome the opportunity to help you talk to your customers.

Until next time…

Words that Work: When TV Ads Went Rogue

Words are ace. That is all.

Of course I'm going to say that, being the full-time freelance writer that I am. But they really are powerful, aren't they? The reason for that is simple: even when they aren't even trying, they can still make you take action.

This old Marmite advert being a case in point. Okay, so there isn't much dialogue in the ad itself, but the slogan: 'Marmite: love it or hate it' has stuck in the mind of the British public in much the same way as the yeasty breakfast spread adheres to our morning toast.

It takes a bold advertiser to centre an ad around that thing (or things) that people don't like about a product or service. In the breakfast condiment's case, it's the fact that marmite is...well...a bit bitter on the old palette really.

Take McDonald's and this absolute belter of an ad from a few years back. While I'm not a fan of its 'I'm loving it' slogan, I take my curly Ronald McDonald-esque red wig off to the folks behind this little corker (click the link above). Sometimes, the fewer the words the better. And the fast food chain has, this time, somehow built a sales piece around a pretty negative-sounding catchphrase: 'Nah, you're alright'.

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The focus for the ad? Gherkins? Like Marmite, you either love 'em or hate 'em. Of course, the bigwigs at McDonald's have more than cottoned on to this fact, creating a pretty charming story between son and stepdad. Just lovely. It's proof that dialogue in an ad doesn't have to be overly flowery, just well-thought-out.

It's true that McDonald's can definitely afford to take a gamble when it comes to ad campaigns but I still enjoyed this cheeky yet subtle 'salesy' approach.

So, what does a brand (and resulting advert) that pokes fun at itself actually do for us - the customer?

First and foremost it's endearing, isn't it? If a company like Marmite, or even McDonald's can hold up its hands and say 'yeah, we have faults', it gives them a 'human' face and, yep, makes us put more trust in what it is they're doing. We Brits love humour, that much is true.

Moving On...

More recently, We Buy Any Car got in on the act of spelling out its downfalls in a bid to endear itself to the car-buying public.

Sure, you can get a better price for your motor elsewhere but why do that when you can save time? And time, as we all know, is infinitely more valuable than one or two extra coins in our back pocket. We can't even be bothered to put our pin numbers in the debit card machine, after all (cheers, Contactless payment!), such is our rushed, 'let's just get to the next place' existence.

Now, while I'm not too keen of a 'we're not actors - honest!' talking heads ad, We Buy Any Car were onto something when they ditched their strangely catchy but equally blimming annoying 'We buy any, any any any....' ditty.

They replaced it with a fairly 'no thrills' ad which puts its customers needs and wants first. *Adopts Protestor's voice* (I'm nothing if not topical) "What do we want? No-nonsense ads that get to the point." When do we want them? NOW!"

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'Value your time' is the message behind WBAC's latest ad. Why mess around selling your car privately if you can get it sorted quicker and easier via the site? Simple yet effective, what do you reckon? Oh, and with all that extra time you know...stock up on Marmite. Or gherkins.

Have you seen any ads you like that adopt the same approach as these three? Jog my memory and comment below.

Until next time, folks...