Need a freelance copywriter? Here's What Not to Say...

Some people cling on to that old adage that ‘the customer is always right’.

You may be right to think that.


But if ‘right’ includes being damn well rude, well then I’d rather not fly the flag for that expression and…well…engage with customers who do.


Some prospective clients can be nothing short of cheeky scamps - and because the copywriter-client relationship must work well for both parties, here are a few things I don’t advise you say to the copywriter you’re so desperate to work with…

“My usual copywriter will write 500 words for £XX’

Yes - and there’s probably a pretty good reason your ‘usual copywriter’ isn’t available right now.

Perhaps it’s because:

a) their rate is so blinking low that they’re rushed off their feet with work

b) they’ve realised they’ve now been in the game long enough to charge a bit more - and perhaps they’re doing just that.

Not all copywriters charge the same - and for all kinds of reasons.

True, you may have a good deal with your current copywriter, but if he or she ain’t free, don’t expect another copywriter to drop their rates because that’s what you’re used to.

You wouldn’t saunter into Morrisons and tell ‘em you usually get that punnet of peaches* cheaper at Sainsbury’s, but you can’t today because ‘they’re currently out of stock’. Or…you know…something or other.

Bear that in mind when you’re thinking about asking we copywriters to drop our rates.

*Not sure why I’m comparing copywriting to peaches, but I’ll have a go…

Some peaches are expensive, some are cheaper. But when you find a quality punnet that’s excellent value, realise you’re onto a good thing and that the price could - and will - eventually rise. Mistreat a punnet of peaches and the fruit will bruise - just like a copywriter’s ego would if you were to do the same to he or she. Sob. And no-one likes a bruised peach. Or a copywriter with a bruised ego.

Okay, so I did wonder if I’d be able to compare copy to peaches. Turns out I’m crap at analogies. But I tell you what, I REALLY fancy a punnet of peaches now. With a dollop of cream.


‘We’re looking to engage a copywriter regularly, but first we need you to write 5,000 words on ‘XXXX’ - for FREE.’

No. Absolutely not.

It’s like this…

Would you say to a tradesman (or woman…cos I’m all about equality round here) ‘just knock me up half a wall for nowt and I’ll decide if I want you to build the extension on my house based on your work’.

Or worse still: ‘I’m liaising with a few builders at the moment and I’m asking them all to knock up, say, a quarter of a wall, before I decide which wall I prefer’.

Jog on. Please.

Sometimes - but probably only if we’re massively keen to work with you - copywriters might submit a sample line or two of content before we ‘win’ a job.

It isn’t something I necessarily agree with (or am always thrilled about - after all, there are plenty of examples of my work here), but if a client has a mountain of paid work to send our way later, call it a very mini ‘interview’ for the job.

Any more than that, though, and you’re probably going to get my goat.


‘We can’t pay you, but it’ll be great for your portfolio’

My portfolio is absolutely blinking brimming with stuff - and good stuff at that.

I don’t (and absolutely won’t) write for your start-up (or household name, for that matter) for free…to ‘prove’ myself.

Pah. Bore off.

‘Ring me’

This was a genuine text I received from a would-be client a few weeks ago - after he rang me at 8pm on a Friday night. I didn’t answer, of course.

I rarely pick up work-related calls outside of 9am to 5pm hours, unless a client is on deadline and is in urgent need of something. We all need downtime, after all.

Otherwise, I’m available for my clients during standard office hours.

This particular client had called me a couple of times about jobs that hadn’t materialised, though - so he was already on the backfoot a bit.

The ‘ring me’ text sounded like an order to me - and I left a full-time job years ago, because if I’m taking orders from anyone, it’ll be from myself.

‘Lauren, get the kettle on and cut yourself another slice of cake - now there’s a good employee’.


‘This should only take 10 minutes’

There’s a tendency to think that putting together content with fewer words means it’ll take less time. That isn’t the case.

A strapline may only contain a handful of words at best - but that doesn’t necessarily mean your copywriter can ‘bash it out’ any quicker than they might, say, a 1,000-word whitepaper.

We work with words every day - and our extensive experience means that so much more than time has gone into that piece of copy, however short it is.

Ask yourself this: what’s that winning slogan worth to you?

A good strapline is worth its weight in gold for a brand.

Hear or see the words: ‘Just do it’ and you know I’m talking about Nike. When ‘I’m lovin’ it’ pops into your head, you no doubt want to jump in your car and get in the drive-through queue for a Big Mac.


Don’t underestimate what your copywriter can do for your business - and don’t assume you know how long something will take. We copywriters are humans too, you know ***sad face*** and we don’t like it when you, in a roundabout way, tell us how much something is worth based on how long you think it’ll take.

So, as I’ve told you what I don’t like…why not let rip, too; what has a copywriter said to you that you’re not so keen on? It’s only fair you share.

Oh, and if you need a Yorkshire copywriter to work on a project or two, say hello.

Until next time…

Why hire a copywriter?

You know how important good content and communications are for your business, but perhaps you just don't have the time to put fingers to keyboard and get cracking. So what now?

If you’ve never outsourced your work to a copywriter before, it may be time to try that out. After all, what better way to make your website stand out than with the help of a professional who specialises in copywriting for businesses?

There are plenty of reasons to hire a copywriter - and I’ll be going over five of them in this blog post. Read on...

They Free Up Your Schedule

You can say 'cheerio' to your hectic schedules when you hire a copywriter. You shouldn’t have to spend hours figuring out why no one’s clicking on your website, or what the heck crawl stats are (hint: you can find out in Moz's Beginner's Guide to SEO). Pumping out engaging content takes up a lot of time, so leave that to the pros!

Copywriters will do the technical stuff you’re struggling to do and give you the time to focus 100% on your business. Rather than stressing over how to write copy that draws traffic, you’ll now be able to give your undivided attention to the things that really matter.



They Can Really Sell Your Service

Yes, copywriters write, but they also spend time doing research that leads to richer, more vibrant content. You’ll find plenty of copywriters who specialise in an industry-specific niche. If you sell handmade baby clothes, for example, you’d do well to find a copywriter who specialises in the industry that caters to mums.

A copywriter can capture the essence of your service and sell it to your audience in a way that is both engaging and fascinating.

They Provide Consistent Content

Let’s be honest for a moment: churning out consistent, new content can quickly get tiring. It can be easy to recycle old content by tweaking a word here and there, publishing it, and hoping readers won’t notice you wrote about the same topic two months ago, but please don’t do this.


When you have a freelance copywriter on your side, you don’t have to worry about that. They can whip out fresh, high-quality content to capture your readers’ attention like nothing else. Even better, avoiding duplicate posts will turn your site into a Google-approved page. Who can resist that?

They Know How to Speak ‘Google’

There are plenty of SEO guides out there on the Internet, but it can still be tough to learn if you’re also trying to juggle your business on the side. Rather than try to force-feed this information to yourself, hire a copywriter who’s already familiar with SEO.

Copywriters can keep your website looking up-to-date and polished. No matter how many tweaks Google makes to its search engine, copywriters will keep on top of it so you don’t have to. Leave the technical mumbo jumbo to them.

 They Can Boost Sales Organically

Adverts are important for maintaining an online presence for your business, but organic traffic is just as important. After all, you’re more likely to get legitimate, long-term customers this way, rather than hoping someone scrolling through Facebook clicks on your ad.


Copywriters will reach out to potential clients by creating fresh, original content for your social media accounts, and then by crafting equally brilliant content on your site that will keep visitors once they get there. By going the organic route and going easy on the adverts, you could see a significant bump in your sales.

So now that I’ve given you five reasons to hire a copywriter, I’m here to give myself a (shameless) shoutout. Need a hand with your business? I’m a copywriter based in Yorkshire - but I can work on your project remotely - wherever you are in the world. Let's chat!

For updates, you can find me on Facebook and Twitter.

Productivity 101: How I Stay Focused


Working from home with the option (I say, 'option' because it isn't a reality for me!) to slob around in your PJs; what's not to love? I'll start with the main drawback to my life as a freelance copywriter: staying focused.

freelance copywriter Yorkshire

While I've never missed a deadline and I pride myself on the fact I 'under-promise and over-deliver', motivating one's self (oooh, I sounded like the Queen for a second there!) can be tough. And the reason for that is this: without the threat of a boss man (or woman!) hovering over your desk at a second's notice, copywriters like myself can notice that the urge to put fingers to keyboard can wane a little, with the lure of Facebook, Twitter, or even YouTube, poking its cheeky little head into view.

So, in the absence of a boss (oh wait, that's me!) and a lack of colleagues tapping away at their computers to spur me on, how do I get stuff done?

Nothing is as important to me as meeting my clients' deadlines and exceeding their expectations, so here's what I do:

1. I Work in Threes

Now I don't mean I work with two other people; rather my to-do list never contains more than a trio of items. Plenty of people will attest that this works. And hey, it works for me too - so it shall long remain one of my top productivity tactics - until someone introduces me to another one.

2. I Set Alarms

If I have more than one project on the go, I divide each into timeframes - and set an alarm on my phone to ensure I only work for, say, three hours at a time on one job. That way, my mind is clearer (better for ensuring the ideas keep flowing) when I revisit a piece of work - and it helps me keep better track of hours spent per project, too.

3. I Keep a Routine

So, the hardest part of a freelancer's life is sticking to a routine. While you may begin the day with good intentions (with plans to get up at 7am, and take the long (joke) work commute from bedroom to your study by 9am) it doesn't always work that way. Sometimes, you'll find yourself downing tools at 3pm, taking an extended break, and then working until 11pm. It isn't always the best way to work; keeping to 9-5 hours is the best thing you can do for your motivation as a freelancer - and your social life!


4. I Get Out of the House

Being stuck indoors and communicating with NO ONE (sob!) is no good for your motivation levels - or your soul. So, I make sure I take at least one trip out during the day - even if it's just a walk around the block. It gives me that little burst of energy when I've been staring at my laptop all day, and it's even how I formulate many of my ideas for clients' websites.

And when I'm really pushed for time...

5. I Get TOTALLY Serious About Things...

...and deny myself a tea and biscuit break, a slice of cake; even a trip to the toilet. I'll tell myself: 'no, Lauren. You're not putting the kettle on, or going to the loo - not until you write another paragraph.' It may seem harsh - and possibly even a notch crazy - but hey, being your own boss can be tough; you've got to find the motivation from somewhere.

How do you stay focused when freelancing? It'd be good to pick up some more tips here at Lauren Holden Freelance. Why not comment on this blog with your own freelance copywriting tips and we can all learn from each other, eh?

Until next time...

Did Someone Say Cake...?

Yesterday (Friday, January 23) marked my ninth year as a freelance copywriter. And how do I know this? Good old LinkedIn. Its helpful reminder had me reaching for the cake (any excuse to celebrate, eh?) and wondering where on earth the best part of a decade has gone.

Need a Hand with Your Next Copywriting Project?

So, what does my nine years' experience mean to you? Assurance. I'd like to think it takes away any reservations you may have about choosing me for your next copywriting project - big or small. After all, I've been crafting copy for businesses like yours for round about 3287 days, give or take weekends. And yes, I had to Google that - there was a reason I chose a career with words, not numbers.

In terms of experience, nine years has seen me put my creative copywriting skills to everything from email marketing, printed advertising, web copy, press releases, and social media updates. I've worked with brands as diverse as QVC's shopping channel to Fosters Beer, Flowers Direct, and Denby Dale's Yummy Yorkshire ice cream parlour - and I can't wait to take on my next big assignment!

How has the last nine years panned out for you? Perhaps you'd like to give your business the boost it deserves, but you're not sure where to start?

Yorkshire-based Freelance Copywriter - Available for Hire

Need a copywriter? I'm a Yorkshire-based freelance copywriter working from my home in Huddersfield. But don't let that put you off; the fact I work remotely means I can lend a hand to your brand and its communications, wherever you are.

Fancy a chat about your next project? Simply send me a note over here and we'll go from there.


You Know You're a Freelancer When...

... despite the short commute from the shower to the study, no less than two cups of coffee are required before computer switch on commences

... you find yourself wondering if it's socially acceptable to invite the postie in for a cuppa and chat. All work and no interaction makes Lauren a very dull copywriter

... you convince yourself that 90-minute lunch break is actually conducive to a more productive afternoon...

...ditto that sugar-laced slice of Vicky sponge cake

... the prospect of slipping on yet another pair of well-worn (but oh so comfy) jogging bottoms is more appealing than it probably should be

... your parents still don't understand what you do day-to-day...

...and sometimes, you're not 100% sure you do either: SEO, ROI, B2B, GA, PPC. Acronyms are the new black, apparently. start the day with great intentions (early morning gym session, anyone?), before deciding you'll go 'after you've smashed that deadline'. Only to abandon the idea in favour of Dinner Date and a second slice of sponge cake.